Campaign Goal

Joseph’s Storehouse Meal Project

By Catherine Walker

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$2,063 Given towards $2,000 Goal

All donations will be collected automatically until November 28, 2014.

This is the fourth year of the Joseph’s Storehouse Meal Program.

When the idea of the Joseph’s Storehouse Meal Program was first conceived, it was just about this time of year. Many requests from large charities were arriving in the mail; many seeking funding for food projects. I could have easily written a check and been done with it.

Instead, I questioned the need in my own area; I wanted to give more directly. Joseph’s Storehouse, a place I had been to, came to mind. I learned that Joseph’s serves many individuals each day by giving food and clothing. Joseph’s is a remarkable, much needed, addition to our community – everything is given away for free. I made my contact and the Joseph’s Storehouse Holiday Meal program was born.

Share Today Shape Tomorrow raises funds so that we can supply 250 individual meals and many family food bags. We do the meal planning, shopping, bagging, and delivery. We partner with the Student Success Academy – a grant serving foster youth at University of Redlands to prepare the items for delivery.  Fifty foster youth spend a day in December on campus decorating lunch bags with words of inspiration.  The kids then bag all of the food items for delivery.  When the items arrive at Joseph’s they are ready to be distributed. 

We make our delivery of lunches and meal bags mid-December.




Your donation helps to feed local individuals and families who are in need of a hand-up and because Share Today Shape Tomorrow is a non-profit 501(C)(3), your contributions are tax deductible. Look for details and pictures on our website: www.sharetodaysharetomorrow.org

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  • Support with a Comment

    6 + 2 =

    1. Anonymous
    2. Anonymous
    3. Caryl Forristall
    4. Sue Gilleland
    5. Catherine Walker
    6. Janna Gilleland
    7. Anonymous
    8. Anonymous
    9. Anonymous
    10. Anonymous
    11. Anonymous
    12. Anonymous
    13. Anonymous
    14. Anonymous
    15. Rasool Azari
    16. Catherine Walker
    • 14 Supporters

      Purchase a meal bag for a family in need

    • 2 Supporters

      Supply lunch for one individual

    Sorry, but funding for Joseph’s Storehouse Meal Project ended November 28, 2014

    Days Remaining

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